Dynamic auto-updating open hardware assembly documentation

Eric Nitschke, Julian Stirling, Andreas Kahler

In this interactive hands-on workshop we will present an emerging approach to automated generation of hardware documentation. Our aim is to make it easier for OSH projects to write and continuously update documentation without the headaches, and to keep multiple variations of the docs in sync.
Hands On

If someone makes a simple change to a CAD file it can be a burden to update the documentation which might include an assembly guide, Bill of Materials (BOM), and other types of graphics and manuals. This makes it much harder to maintain, replicate, and/or localize OSH projects.  Documentation is often left to stagnate, and "who cares" about documentation!?

We do!

In this workshop we will review and test emerging approaches to automating the generation of Open Source Hardware documentation. In a "choose your own adventure" format, participants will select networking hardware components based on a fictional community's connectivity needs. Based on this selection, a configuration summary will be automatically generated, along with CAD models, graphics, and an assembly guide. Participants will then follow the generated guide to assemble a functional network rack.

We will end the session with a discussion about the potential to apply these approaches to other OSH projects.

Designers, makers, repairers, hackers, tinkerers, upcyclers, open software/firmware/science/data/education/anything folks, and observers welcome.


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A photo of me in my natural habitiat, replacing the centre bearing on a 200 year old waterwheel.
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