re:publica 25
26th-28th May 2025
With our app you can always stay up to date and bookmark your personal programme highlights:
Put together your personal schedule, learn about changes in the programme, receive news and updates as well as all information on the speakers, locations and partners of re:publica Berlin 24!
With the random generator, you get programme recommendations based on your previously selected theme preference – as well as outside of it, so hopefully you'll find many hidden programme gems.
You can find the re:publica app here:
We hope you enjoy it!
Apps by our community
In der Community Programm-App für Android von Hannes hast du alle Infos zu Sessions, Speaker*innen und Bühnen immer parat. Mit der Suchfunktion stellst du dir im Handumdrehen dein persönliches Programm zusammen und wirst vor jeder Session rechtzeitig benachrichtigt. Die App ist offline-first – sie funktioniert also auch bei schlechtem Handynetz.
Another app, created by a long-time re:publica companion and based on our open website interface, is available here for iOS/macOS. Thank you toto!
Special thanks also to Andreas Rosenthal, who provided us with the code for the Session Picker – and to Damian, who made sure that you can now click through the program at record speed and put together your favourites!