re:publica 25
26th-28th May 2025
Media & Public Spheres
Media, journalism, and other public spheres are currently facing significant challenges: What are exciting approaches in the platform economy–from subscription models to creator economies, community journalism to non-profit ventures? Following the decline of Twitter, how are public spheres evolving between Mastodon and Bluesky as well as other big networks such such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn? What new insights do we have regarding "artificial intelligence"?
In a climate of heated opinions, we are keen on exploring solutions for countering disinformation and improving fact-checking, the role of data journalism and fostering a diversity of opinions and perspectives within newsrooms and our media landscape. We provide a stage for large stories and investigations.Whether fiction or non-fiction, we want to delve into the inner workings of investigative documentary series, viral storytelling on TikTok, VR games, and podcasts.
Who cares: Which projects are helping improve the web and media landscape and turning these into more livable places? And who are the people who care about this?
The Media Track of re:publica is funded by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and supported by Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg.
Wer hat Angst vor Postkolonialer Theorie und Identitätspolitik?
Ein Booster für die Medienkompetenz der GenZ: Wie kann guter Journalismus das Vertrauen in die Medien stärken?
Eva Heiligensetzer, Alexander Prinz / Der Dunkle Parabelritter, Fiete Stegers, Pia Uffelmann
Küssen: Eine berührende Kommunikationsart. Buchvorstellung und Diskussion.
Selfcare für Journalisten: Warum wir wieder (noch immer) selber hosten (müssen)
Wie geht's dem Digital Services Act?
Prabhat Agarwal, Markus Beckedahl
Women and Tech: Jobs im ZDF
Eva Ingold, Mareike Falk, Svenja Schlögl, Victoria Reichelt
Die Netzwerk-Daten der Gesellschaft. Welche rechtlichen Zugänge haben Medien, NGO und Wissenschaft?
Tobias Gostomzyk, Hanna Püschel
Humor in der Klimakrise: Wie Memes den politischen Klimadiskurs beeinflussen
Inklusive Sprache in der Generation Alpha – eine aktuelle KiKA-Studie
Inside Russian Propaganda: Two women who fight Kremlin’s Fake News
Masha Borzunova, Vladlena Savenkova, Shila Behjat
Ask me anything – Intendantinnen-Talk mit rbb-Chefin Ulrike Demmer
Ulrike Demmer, Konrad Spremberg
Aufmerksamkeitscrash. Kurzfristiges und langfristiges Denken
Rosenkavaliere und Republikaner im Trash-TV: Was uns der US-Bachelor über Trump erzählt
Anja Rützel, Annika Brockschmidt
Konstruktiver diskutieren im Netz – Learnings aus dem Public Spaces Incubator
Sabrina Scharpen, Stefanie Jellen, Christina Eickhorn