Saad Chinoy

Chief Geek
Saads profile photo
Photo credit / Image credit
Pawel Ngei

Saad is a professional geek with a passion for technology for good, critical making, and OpenSource methodology. Co founder of Singapore based Frugal Innovation startup, SpudnikLab, a PotatoProductions company that works to address the #digitalDivide through digital skills education and effective use of low-cost technologies. His Storytellers' Kitchen and EdibleMakerspace community initiatives bring together writers, illustrators, researchers, publishers, citizen scientists, and readers to demystify the complexity of smart-phone interactivity AR / VR / stop-motion animation through learning by doing.

In the non-commercial context, Saad initiated SalvageGarden the assistive technology makerspace that engages a community of makers, engineers, care givers, persons with disabilities, and care professionals towards the research and development of Assistive Tech devices and low-cost solutions.

Saad Also serves on the advisory boards of the Global Innovation Gathering, and r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation, and is a Community Council member for Global Open Science Hardware (GOSH).

Saad is a (recovering) coffee snob.


BrailleRap Bhutan: how we replicated an opensource braille printer and so can you

Saad Chinoy, Felipe Schmidt Fonseca

Bhutan is uniquely situated in so many ways but in this context at the end of a very long supply chain. We look at how we used opensource to make something that makes sense using meaningful engagement and locally sourced parts. So why don't we make more meaningful things?
Hands On