re:publica 25
26th-28th May 2025

Whether it's the childcare and nursing crisis, the climate crisis or attacks on democracy - many of the major crises we are currently experiencing are care crises. Teresa Bücker sees these as the end points of a development in which people have put caring on the back burner. For the journalist and author, one thing is clear: caring must be revitalised as a political practice, which requires not only the right attitude, but also the necessary time. Time policy is therefore a key to the multiple care crises.
At re:publica 24, we will be discussing with Teresa which time policy approaches can be implemented and how they can be realised in the foreseeable future. Teresa says: "Establishing a new, short full-time working time and creating more time for other things such as care relationships, relaxation, friendship and commitment is not a utopia, but a real possibility and also necessary!"
Teresa Bücker works as a journalist and author on socio-political and feminist issues of the present and future. She has been writing the column "Freie Radikale" for the Süddeutsche Zeitung magazine since 2019 and is part of the "Feministische Presserunde", a monthly online format on current political issues. From 2014 to 2019, she helped set up the online magazine EDITION F as editor-in-chief and was honoured as "Journalist of the Year" in 2017 and again in the "Culture" category in 2019. In 2022, her first non-fiction book "Alle_Zeit - eine Frage von Macht und Freiheit" was published by Ullstein Verlag. In it, Bücker describes a new time policy that creates more justice in access to work and political participation. "Alle_Zeit" won the NDR Non-Fiction Prize 2023 and was also nominated for the German Non-Fiction Prize 2023.
At #rp24, we are looking forward to an inspiring exchange of ideas with Teresa on the topic of time justice.