Svea Windwehr

Foto von Svea Windwehr mit verschränkten Armen
Photo credit / Image credit
Berhard Leistner

Sve Windwehr is leading GFF's work on platform regulation and user rights. Before joining GFF, Svea worked at Google's public policy team where she covered intermediary liability, platform and AI policy. Previously, she worked at the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the European Commission. She is also the Co-Chair of D64 – Center for Digital progress and alumna of the Transatlantic Digital Debates and Mercator fellowships. She holds an MSc in Social Science of the Internet from the University of Oxford and a BA in Liberal Arts with a focus on Law and Politics from the University College Maastricht.


Wheel of Misfeeds – Why transparency reporting is broken and the Digital Services Act won’t fix it.

Svea Windwehr, Jillian York, Robert Gorwa

Content moderation at scale can massively interfere with users’ fundamental rights. To counter the opacity of corporate content moderation, regulation like the DSA heavily relies on transparency reports, a fundamentally broken tool. We'll explore how we go here and discuss meaningful alternatives.
Digital rights
Civil Society
Stage 6