Robert Gorwa

photo of robert gorwa standing with arms crossed with trees in the background
Photo credit / Image credit
David Ausserhofer

Dr Robert Gorwa is a postdoctoral researcher at the Berlin Social Science Center. He conducts interdisplinary empirical and conceptual research addressing the politics of technology policy (making, negotiating, and enforcing), with a special interest in platform governance and emerging socio-technical regulatory arrangements in the digital economy. He received his doctorate from the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford, and has held fellowships and research positions at institutions that include the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT, in Washington), the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI, in Waterloo), the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in Oxford, and Stanford University's Project on Democracy and the Internet. His first book, The Politics of Platform Regulation: How Governments Shape Online Content Moderation, comes out in 2024 with Oxford University Press.


Wheel of Misfeeds – Why transparency reporting is broken and the Digital Services Act won’t fix it.

Svea Windwehr, Jillian York, Robert Gorwa

Content moderation at scale can massively interfere with users’ fundamental rights. To counter the opacity of corporate content moderation, regulation like the DSA heavily relies on transparency reports, a fundamentally broken tool. We'll explore how we go here and discuss meaningful alternatives.
Digital rights
Civil Society
Stage 6